GTS-Mischler – Share Repurchase

GTS-Mischler’s Share Repurchase team has a long and well-documented history of working with a many of America’s largest public companies executing agency share repurchase programs.  Whether it be in active dialogue executing 10b-18 repurchase orders opportunistically or through pre-established, programmatic 10b5-1 execution, clients engage with our veteran share repurchase experts throughout the lifecycle of our rotation (“High Touch”).  Clients consistently recognize GTS-Mischler’s embrace of best execution which leverages GTS’ high performance computing infrastructure, proprietary routing expertise, and access to the leading suite of trading algorithms (“High Tech”) through repeat rotations.  Our “High Tech / High Touch” approach differentiates us in today’s marketplace.  Notable Share Repurchase Clients:

Representative Clients

S&P 100 NYSE-Listed
Technology Company

S&P 100 NYSE-Listed
Energy Company

S&P 100 NASDAQ-Listed
Technology Company

S&P 100 NYSE-Listed
Pharmaceutical Company

S&P 100
Consumer Company

S&P NYSE-Listed 100
Insurance Company

S&P 100 NYSE-Listed
Materials Company

S&P 100 NYSE-Listed
Aerospace Company

S&P 100 NYSE-Listed
Telecommunications Company

S&P 100 NYSE-Listed
Auto Company

S&P 100
Industrial Company

S&P 100
FinTech Company

GTS Serves as DMM; GTS-Mischler’s Capital Markets is a separate business aggregation unit from GTS’ DMM consistent with NYSE Regulation
GTS’ Capital Markets team is dual-registered at GTS Securities, LLC and Mischler Financial Group; Equity Underwriting and Distribution Services and are provided by Mischler Financial Group; see also

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