Wholesale Retail Market Making
GTS Wholesale Market Making Business combines quality trade execution and best in class service to give our clients a superior experience. Our flexible and innovative model which combines customized trade execution technology and human experience creates an effective and holistic destination for our clients. We cover the full breadth of all Domestic and International exchange listed and OTC securities and are able to handle a multitude of complex execution strategies and needs. Our dynamic flexibility allows clients to customize their execution solutions to assure they are achieving BestEx no matter the order type or needs.
Joe Pleffner
Wholesale Retail Market Making
Group Email: clientsupport@gtsx.com
Desk Phone: (212) 644-3425
Also available on Bloomberg IB chat & Symphony
Joe Pleffner
Wholesale Retail Market Making
Group Email: clientsupport@gtsx.com
Desk Phone: (212) 644-3425
Also available on Bloomberg IB chat & Symphony